The Importance of the Arts in Early Childhood Development
At IBA we recognize the important role and the benefits of the arts in the development of people, whether adults or youth, It's never too early to start or too late to take advantage of them. Art is a language that allows us to express and develop our ideas and emotions; artistic activities are full of processes that help us to grow and stimulate our creativity while nurturing the soul. When children are exposed to any artistic activity the brain is stimulated from sounds, movements, colors and sizes; neural connections increase and the brain is exercised and strengthened. The process is of greater benefit for children under three years since their brain is maturing and is highly sensitive to external stimuli. Artistic activities foster intellectual development and some of their benefits are: Stimulates both sides of the brain. Increases the capacity of memory, attention and concentration. Helps develop reading skills and children do better in math and science. Introduces children to new vocabulary and concepts. Generates memories and images, which enriches the intellect. Children also improve and acquire social skills: Promotes self-esteem. Helps them express themselves. They learn to work together, especially when they are part of a band or other group. It gives them the opportunity to interact and cooperate with other children and adults. They serve others and learn to be more tolerant. It also helps them work certain qualities of their personality: When practicing to improve, they learn to be persistent and consistent. Stimulates their creativity and imagination. Assisting to rehearsals and practices, they learn to value time and to meet goals. Be more aware of their surroundings and their culture. You can help your child identify his artistic skills and promote them or you can expose them to different forms of art. IBA offers an ideal space to do this through its Arts Program, La Galería, and even on the Afterschool and Summer Learning Program, in which art is incorporated into our curriculum. Check on our events regularly and bring your family to IBA's Art Programs!...