
We Can Help You Leave Unemployment Behind

We Can Help You Leave Unemployment Behind

Lately, economists have claimed that our country’s status is “Full Employment.” This term doesn’t mean that there is absolutely no unemployment, but as an article in NPR stated: “there are enough jobs for the number of job seekers.” However, an overwhelming number of people still feel that this explanation does not accurately represent individual stories of what is actually happening to those eager to enter or re-enter the workforce. There are millions of Americans that can’t find a job and there are cases of those who have left their jobs and still have not found anything after one or two years on the hunt. There are also those who wouldn’t mind moving or changing industries but their search is still fruitless. According to numerous studies, the economic crisis of 2008 has had a big impact on long-term unemployment rates. We understand the struggle that this poses and have seen the motivation that drives people to go back to work. This is why IBA is offering a program specifically geared to this demographic, offering them classes that teach the most important skills when it comes to landing a job: search and interviewing process, taxes and finance, professional soft skills, networking, and beyond. What makes this program especially beneficial is the nature of classes, which are all given by different experts and recruiters in the industry who are able to provide the students real life cases and current information about the process. IMG_0140 Many of our students are here because they have lost confidence in their professional abilities after being out of the workforce for so long. “This is an opportunity to refresh my skills before I try to go back to work,” explained Sara Ortiz, a student at our resume class. It is easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed with the current application process. It is significantly different than it was 30, 20, or even 10 years ago when a significant number of currently unemployed individuals were working. Nikia Adams, one of the teachers and a recruiter for Pine Street Inn, explained: “The population here appears to be in all different stages of their lives. Some of them appear to have some great working experience but maybe they’ve gotten laid off and been out of work for a few years. Some participants may be newcomers to this country. Some of them may be low income,” she said. Thus, they come to 630 Tremont street to our College and Workforce Development Classroom and spend three hours, Mondays through Thursdays getting the resources and the guidance that they need. IMG_0120 Not only do they learn tips ranging from how to write a cover letter that will pass through the filtering process, how to prepare for a successful interview, to what recruiters are looking for when they read resumes, they have the chance to put all of their professional skills to use in an internship during the second half of the program. Adams said that the networking aspect is also important for the students. “I think it’s good to give you a connection. All of these students have a connection to me. They all have my card, my phone number, my email, they can all reach out to me on their own,” she said. This is definitely a leg up when it comes to applying for jobs in Pine Street Inn or other organizations that have been represented in this initiative. “I think they’re in a special place [students] because if one of them sent me their resume I probably wouldn’t treat them like a regular applicant, because of the connection. I would probably give them some feedback and fix the cover letter.” So far the program has been running for three weeks and most of the students have not missed a single class. “I have found it to be very useful, that is why I am always here,” said another student, Edwin Meléndez. In Edwin’s case, this is the first time he’s going to enter the workforce and found that this class is very helpful for new job seekers. IMG_0129 This program is for everyone who is ready to find the job they want. No matter the circumstances, our Skills Development Class is here to give you the tools you need to get hired and be successful in a professional environment. For a detailed schedule and more information about the program visit this page....