Our Mission

  • Our approach goes well beyond testing scores, it focuses on skills development, such as inclusion, adaptability, creativity, critical thinking and independence. Our dedicated teachers and staff nurture each child’s creativity and individuality, recognizing these skills to be just as important as the academic skills they need to succeed. All of our students graduate prepared for Kindergarten - they leave us ready to read, with strengthened bilingual skills, and with the knowledge that will serve them to become valued members of their society. Our program focuses on 5 core values to educate your child for future success.

    5 Core Values

    • Socio-Emotional Skills

      We foster your child’s socio-emotional skills while teaching empathy, resilience, and gratitude.

    • Literacy Skills

      We provide a strong platform that teaches bilingual reading skills and prepares your child for Kindergarten.

    • Learning Skills

      We encourage curiosity, creative thinking, and communication; providing your child with the tools they need to succeed both inside and outside the classroom.

    • Cognitive Development

      The tools children need to continue positive development beyond their early education and throughout their lives.

    • Fine and Gross Motor Development

      We incorporate activities inside & outside the classroom that are essential to strengthening cognitive and physical development.


  • WE ARE

    • Education and care for infants, toddlers and children ages 4 months to 5 years and 6 months old.

    • A Year-round program and schedule from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily (M-F).

    • Two healthy meals and snacks a day.

    • Regular screening, assessment, and access to early intervention support.

    • The First Bilingual Program in the state of Massachusetts.

    • Licensed by the MA Department of Early Education and Care (EEC).

    • Accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

    • A best practice Teaching Strategies Gold and OWL curriculum institution.

    • One of the Massachusetts Top 21 School Readiness Programs.