Confidentiality and Privacy Rights and Limits to Confidential Communications
Confidentiality means protecting another person's right to privacy. In order for participants to have trust in the relationship with the Financial Empowerment Coordinators (FEC) at IBA, it’s important for you to know that information shared by participants with the FEC is held in strict confidence. This means that the information that you provide to the FEC is not shared or discussed with anyone outside programs. In order for the FEC to communicate with another party, the participant must provide written permission by signing a release of information authorizing the FEC and the other person/organization to share information outside IBA.
In certain circumstances, the FEC is required legally/ethically to disclose information that you shared. The exceptions to confidentiality are as follows:
Our Financial Empowerment Coordinators keep a confidential file on each participant who has supplied such information and/or any participant with whom they have had contact for the coordination of services.
All information collected is maintained in confidence under the requirements of state and general laws. When we make a referral for services on your behalf – and with your permission – individuals, organizations and facilities may request pertinent information about you.
YOUR RIGHTS: You have the right to:
*PLEASE NOTE: we cannot take back any information that has been used or shared with your written permission.
My signature below indicated that I have both read and been explained the Confidentiality Rights and Limits to confidential communications.
As your FEC, I agree to protect your right to privacy and confidentiality within the ethical and legal limitations of my position and profession.